If I lived alone I would probably go for days without talking to anyone.

Normalizing working from home has made it more difficult not to become completely isolated. Think about it. There is much less pressure to go to the office now than ever. And some people even believe remote work-from-anywhere is the future. So how do I feel not lonely and isolated?
The key is to work in a flow. If you are working in the flow status, time passes incredibly quick. You are completely absorbed by what you are doing. And probably quite happy at the end of the day. So here are 5 tips that keep me going working from home:
- Make it a habit
Follow a daily routine helps me to reduce decision fatigue. Automate as much as you can. This doesn’t mean your work needs to be monotonos. Just for example start working at the same time. Lunch at the same time. And make space for a social interaction.
- Set boundaries
Work a set time of hours. It’s ok if from time to time work bleeds into your free time. But be aware of not making it a habit.
- Have social activities on your calendar
Meet up with a friend/friends phisically at least once a week. Phone calls and texts don’t count.
- Keep active
No exercise is to small to not count. Get up every 30 min. Sit ups. Yoga poses. It all helps keeping your blood flowing and activates not just your body but also your brain.
- Add nature
So much is being said about walks in nature, I hope everybody understands that you won’t be able to survive withouth the calming effect of nature. Spend as much time as you can. It will give you clarity and a calm mind. This is scientifically proven. And I can attest to that.
Crippling isolation is only a crippling isolation if you let it be. I never focus on the negative because it only empowers the negative. I always look for solutions and put your energy on creating positivy. This is what works for me.